Recipe | Joachim Splichal 2013 Recipes
Chef Joachim Splichal says, “Whenever I visit the Hollywood Bowl, it brings back fond memories of my mother cooking and listening to beautiful music.” Check out his 2013 Hollywood Bowl picnic recipes.

Recipe | Jose Andres 2013 Recipes
Jose Andres says, ““I have music everywhere in my life: in the car with my daughters, at home in my kitchen.” Check out his Hollywood Bowl picnic recipe.

Suzanne Goin & David Lentz 2013 Recipes
One of America’s premier culinary couples, Suzanne Goin and husband David Lentz offer three spectacular recipes for your Hollywood Bowl picnic.

Recipe | Ricardo Zarate 2013 Recipes
Chef RIcardo Zarate says, “For me, music is an integral part of my creative process when I’m playing around with a new ingredient or working to perfect a dish. Check out his recipes for the perfect Hollywood Bowl picnic.

Recipe | Ludo Lefebvre 2013 Recipes
Ludo Lefebvre says, “Music in a restaurant is like the final salt going on to a dish. It can make or break it.” Check out his 2013 Hollywood Bowl Picnic recipe.